
朱總先生 15019675924
    廣東永利堅鋁業有限公司—始創於1986年9月,原名佛山市永利堅鋁業有限公司。於2004年間,公司爲了適應新時代的發展和需求。公司董事會高瞻遠矚,眼光獨特。投入巨資搬遷,在佛山市高明滄江工業園建立了佔地300畝的大型鋁型材生產基地。充分整合和擴充了各種建築用、裝飾用和工業用等鋁合金型材的生產,以及多種類的門窗、幕牆的設計、加工、安裝施工等一系列的生產和服務。經過三十多年來的不斷發展壯大,公司已經成爲了一家國內大型的綜合性鋁合金型材生產企    時代的洪流,三十載的春秋,見證了公司發展的軌跡,造就了永利堅的輝煌,公司積累了豐富的生產經驗,在董事會的帶領下,人才輩出,突飛猛進。在原有的基礎上,公司進行了全面的整合。增資擴產,增加了國際先進的擠壓生產線,氧化電泳生產線、噴塗生產線、氟碳噴塗生產線、木紋生產線、隔熱生產線和深加工生產線。全面形成了ISO質量管理體系的現代化及銷售網絡的優化組合,使產品達200多個系列,10000多種規格。通過加強工藝方面的研究,使各種合金牌號的合金工藝達到了和國際接軌的先進水平。成爲了年生產各種鋁合金型材的生產能力達十萬噸以上,門窗幕牆制造能力達30萬平方米以上的綜合性企業。    永利堅鋁業始終遵循“以人爲本,追求卓越,全面發展”的宗旨,對各部門人才的培養非常重視,時至今日,永利堅凝聚了一大批高級技術人才,造就了一支“團結、務實、開拓、創新”的骨幹團隊,公司擁有高、中級技術人員200多名,在職員工1500多人。    憑借着企業雄厚的綜合實力、強勁的創新能力、科學研發能力和及其優質的產品和優良的服務,“永利堅”牌鋁材先後獲得了國家質量方圓認證,擁有國家幕牆設計和施工壹級資質證書,被中國消費者協會評爲信得過產品。2007年被廣東省科技廳授予“廣東省高新技術企業”和“廣東省民營科技企業”,2008年評審通過成爲“廣東省工程技術研究開發中心”。同年,由於本公司建立的標準體系結構合理,產品符合GB/T15496-2003、GB/T15497-2003、GB/T15498-2003國家標準要求達到AAA級,獲廣東省質量技術監督局頒發“標準化良好行爲證書”、“ISO9001質量體系認證”、“ISO14001環境管理體系認證”、“ ISO45001職業健康安全管理體系認證”。 產品質量符合國家GB5237標準,日本JISH4100、JISH8601、JISH8602標準,美國AAMA2603、AAMA2604、AAMA2605標準,以及英國BS6496標準。    “永利堅”—作爲中國改革開放史上的一個著名品牌,一貫以來都得到了全球用戶的一致肯定,公司建立的產品銷售網絡遍及全球,分別與多國建立了貿易關系。    “永利堅”始終奉行“以質量求生存,以科技求創新,以規模求效益、以品牌求發展”的經營之道,重誠諾、守信譽,持續改進,時刻把握市場的先機,實現產品的空間合理化、自然化、個性化。使產品創造出一個“時代化”的概念。多元化的品種、斑斕的色彩、通透的光澤及超強的耐腐蝕度,爲廣大客戶創造出一個全新的生活空間。     “永恆創新,利益共享,堅定追求”是“永利堅”一貫的宗旨,充分體現到企業與國家,企業與客戶,企業與員工一齊達到多贏共贏的經營之道,再接再厲爲客戶、爲社會提供優質的產品和專業的售後服務。永利堅和您一起攜手共進,共創美好和諧的新未來!Guangdong Yonglijian Aluminum Co., LTD. - Founded in September 1986, formerly known as Foshan YongLIjian Aluminum Co., LTD. In 2004, the company adapted to the development and needs of the new era. The board of directors is forward-looking and unique. With huge investment in relocation, a large aluminum profile production base covering an area of 300 mu has been established in Gaoming Cangjiang Industrial Park, Foshan. Fully integrated and expanded a variety of building, decorative and industrial aluminum profile production, as well as a variety of doors and Windows, curtain wall design, processing, installation and construction of a series of production and services. After more than 30 years of continuous development and expansion, the company has become a large domestic comprehensive aluminum alloy profile production enterprise.The flood of The Times, the spring and autumn of the thirty years, witnessed the development of the company, created the brilliant Wing Lijian, the company has accumulated a wealth of production experience, under the leadership of the board of directors, talent, rapid progress. On the original basis, the company has carried out a comprehensive integration. Increase capital and production, increase the international advanced extrusion production line, oxidation electrophoresis production line, spraying production line, fluorocarbon spraying production line, wood grain production line, heat insulation production line and deep processing production line. Fully formed the ISO quality management system modernization and sales network optimization combination, so that the products reached more than 200 series, more than 10000 kinds of specifications. Through strengthening the research of the process, the alloy technology of various alloy grades has reached the advanced level in line with the international standards. It has become a comprehensive enterprise with an annual production capacity of more than 100,000 tons of aluminum alloy profiles and a manufacturing capacity of more than 300,000 square meters of doors and Windows curtain walls.Wynn Kennedy aluminum industry always adhere to the "people-oriented, the pursuit of excellence, all-round development" purposes, to each department attaches great importance to training of person with ability, and today, wynn established together a large number of senior technical talent, has created a "unity, pragmatic, pioneering and innovative" the backbone of the team, the company has high, intermediate technical personnel more than 200, staff more than 1500 people.With the enterprise's strong comprehensive strength, strong innovation ability, scientific research and development ability, and its high-quality products and excellent services, "Yonglijian" brand aluminum has successively obtained the national quality and square certification, has the national curtain wall design and construction Class 1 qualification certificate, was rated as trustworthy products by China Consumers Association. In 2007, it was awarded as "High-tech Enterprise of Guangdong Province" and "Private Science and Technology Enterprise of Guangdong Province" by the Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Province. In 2008, it was approved as "Engineering Technology Research and Development Center of Guangdong Province". In the same year, due to the reasonable structure of the standard system established by the company, the products meet the national standard requirements of GB/T15496-2003, GB/T15497-2003, GB/T15498-2003 to AAA level. Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision issued "standardized good behavior certificate", "ISO9001 quality system certification", "ISO14001 environmental management system certification", "ISO45001 occupational health and safety management system certification". The product quality meets the national GB5237 standard, Japan JISH4100, JISH8601, JISH8602 standard, the United States AAMA2603, AAMA2604, AAMA2605 standard, and the British BS6496 standard."Yonglijian", as a famous brand in the history of China's reform and opening up, has been consistently recognized by users all over the world. The company has established a product sales network throughout the world and established trade relations with many countries."Yonglijian" has always pursued the "quality of survival, science and technology for innovation, scale for efficiency, brand for development" of the management of the road, heavy sincere promise, keep credibility, continuous improvement, always grasp the market opportunities, to realize the product space rationalization, natural, personalized. Make the product to create a "contemporary" concept. Diversified varieties, colorful colors, transparent luster and super corrosion resistance, for the majority of customers to create a new living space."Eternal innovation, benefit sharing, firm pursuit" is the consistent purpose of "Yongli Jian", fully reflected in the enterprise and the country, enterprise and customer, enterprise and staff together to achieve a win-win-win business way, continue to work hard to provide customers, for the society with high-quality products and professional after-sales service. Yonglijian and you work together to create a beautiful and harmonious new future!


