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堅泰鋁業-王先生 13450168739
四會市堅泰鋁業有限公司          專業門窗型材廠堅泰鋁業位於廣東省四會市龍甫鎮亞洲金屬資源再生工業基地,地理位置優越,交通十分便利。本公司擁有一批技藝精湛、經驗豐富的管理人才和多條具備二十一世紀先進水平的加工鋁型材擠壓生產線,集熔鑄、擠壓、氧化、電泳、噴塗於一體。 產品規格齊全,主要品種包括各式表面處理等各種吊趟門、推拉門、平開門以及工業型材。本公司奉行質量第一、客戶至上、誠信爲本爲宗旨,嚴格的質量管理體系配以先進的檢測設備,確保產品質量全部達到甚至超過國家標準,從而贏得市場的信譽和客戶的信賴。 攜手合作,展望未來,堅泰鋁業將一如既往,憑借優良的服務和穩定的質量,不斷研發創新,制造優質的產品,滿足廣大用戶的需求。歡迎國內外客戶前來洽談業務,我們將竭誠爲您服務!Jian Tai aluminium Co.,Ltd located in Long Fu town Asia metal  resources recycling base , the geographicalposition is superior, the traffic is very convenient.The company has a group of skilled and experiencedmanagement personnel and more advanced processing aluminum extrusion productionline with the 21st century, sets casting, extrusion, oxidation,electrophoresis, spraying at an organic whole. Product specification iscomplete, the main products including all kinds of surface treatment and so onall kinds of hanging on the door, sliding door and swing doors and industrialprofiles. The company pursues the quality first, customer first, good faith forthe purpose, strict quality management system with advanced detectionequipment, to ensure that all product quality to reach even more than thenational standard, thus win the market reputation and customer trust.Hand in hand tocooperate, looking forward to the future, Jian Tai aluminum Co.,Ltd will, asalways, with the excellent service and stable quality, continuous innovation,manufacturing quality products, to meet the needs of users.Welcome customers athome and abroad to negotiate business, we will serve you wholeheartedly!        


